Steven Arnold
Image 1: The state of Washington showing the counties boundary, population and the percentage of the population with access to ground and surface water. Red areas indicate counties with a smaller number of the population with access to ground and surface water up to green areas that indicate a higher percentage of the population with access to these water sources. User clicks on a county and a pop-up window gives them the aforementioned data.
Image 2: Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) code used with the REST API for ArcGIS Server and combined with geospatial web services to give it functionality to the map seen in Image 1.
Skills: Basic Programming or Scripting, Cartography and Graphic Design
The objective was to develop a geo-spatial web service that a user could point and click on a county in the State of Washington in a pop-up window review the population and the percentage of residents that consume ground and surface in that county.
To assist the user the following services were created:
Map Service Identify- Gives users access to a dynamic layer by selecting the County on the web map
Address Locator- Type in an address and zoom to it on the web map
Legend- Users can turn dynamic layer on and off
Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) was used with the REST API for ArcGIS server and combined with geospatial web services were used to add functionality to the Web GIS application. Aptana Studio 3 was used to for the web programming and a personal web space on the CSBS content server at the University of Utah. ArcGIS Dojo modules located in ArcGIS Sandbox were used and manipulated in the creation of the webservices. Washington State 2010 water data was provided by the University of Utah. Manipulation of the symbology and water calculations were performed in ArcGIS and tables joined from an excel file. The ArcGIS map was then published as a service to the account and accessed through the HTML programming.
**Availability of this map and services is limited to the time frame that CSBS lab at the University of Utah maintains the service data.
Image 3: The address locator is found in the upper left corner of the above image. Seattle Washington was entered into the search box and the map extent zoomed in over the city.