Steven Arnold
Advanced Geography Data Analysis

Image 1: Histogram showing the frequency of parcel values in Salt Lake City, Utah. Histogram was created using R statistical software. As expected the higher the parcel value, the fewer the parcels that are in the price range $300,000 up to $1,000,000. Higher frequencies of parcels are found in the range of $150,000 to $300,000. View Total Parcel Value Histogram.

Skills: Spatial Analysis, GIS Analysis
The ability to analyze how distance from a parcel to various attributes (e.g. park, transportation) influences the parcel value; gives potential consumers a great benefit in their decision making and purchasing processes. This project analyzed eight different attributes (year built, and the Euclidean distance to: hospitals, high capacity roads, light rail stations, schools, hiking trails, parks and bus stops) and their influence on parcel value.
Multiple linear regression were applied to the dataset to examine the relationship between the eight attributes (independent variables) and the parcel value (dependent variable). All of the variables were found to be significant in influencing the value of the parcel, except for parks which was found not to have a significant influence to parcel value.
Moran's I located clusters of parcel value. If the parcel is high-high it indicates a high parcel value surrounded by high parcel values. A low-low indicates a low parcel value surrounded by low parcel values. A high-low is a high parcel value surrounded by low parcel values. A low-high indicates a low parcel value surrounded by high parcel values.
Image 2: Histogram showing the frequency of the year homes was built in Salt Lake City, Utah. This study looked at homes built from 1852-2011. The histogram was created using R statistical software. The pattern of homes being built show a slow start from the arrival of the Mormon Pioneers entrance to the Salt Lake Valley in 1847. Note the approximate 10 year cycles of homes being built. Each upward movement is followed by a downturn (See paper for possible explanations). View Year Built Histogram.
Image 3: Moran's I map of parcels in Salt Lake City, Utah. Created using R statistical software. Morans I located clusters of parcel value. If the parcel is high-high it indicates a high parcel value surrounded by high parcel values. A low-low indicates a low parcel value surrounded by low parcel values. A high-low is a high parcel value surrounded by low parcel values. A low-high indicates a low parcel value surrounded by high parcel values. View Full Map of Morans I.